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2023-2024 Membership

*MSABC Membership year is from September 1- August 31*

How do I join???

$25 Retired Coaches

$50 Current Coaches

$150 Staff Registration

Venmo all payments to @MSABC and provide Coach Name, Position, School, and Email address

If you need to pay via check please send checks to 13601 Devonfield Drive, Baldwin, MD 21013.

Membership registration questions- e-mail Ryan Wolfsheimer (

Current Members 

Allegany County

Anne Arundel County

James Ferrell- Arundel High School

Matt Skrenchuk- Broadneck High School

Matt Selmer- Annapolis Area Christian School

Kyle Blucher- Annapolis Area Christian School

Steve Shepherd- Annapolis Area Christian School

Ray Hauf- Annapolis Area Christian School

Jeff Young- Chesapeake AA

Eric Milton- Severna Park High School

Kevin Schiavone- Severna Park High School

David Kauffman- Severna Park High School

Bob Felts- Severna Park High School

Pete Buck- Severna Park High School

Bryan Harris- South River

Beau Brown- Southern High School

Joe Palumbo- Archbishop Spalding

Frank Hood- Arundel

Baltimore County

Brad Duvall- Hereford High School

Phil Kraska- Mt. St. Joseph H.S.

Shawn Tormey- Towson High School

Joseph Carlineo- Perry Hall High School

Buzz Watkins- Frederick Douglass High School 

Vince Ceci- Park School

Marc Stevens- Randallstown High School

Dominic Peters- Pikesville

Brooks Kerr- Calvert Hall College High School

Zach Rowe- Calvert Hall College High School

Bob Friedel- Calvert Hall College High School

Kevin Ryan- Calvert Hall College High School

Paul Swartz- Calvert Hall College High School

Calvert County

Keith Powell-Patuxent HS

Christian Wargo- Northern High School

Guy Smith- Huntingtown

Caroline County

Ryan Blanchfield- Colonel Richardson High School

Derek Nepert- Colonel Richardson High School

Garrett Nepert- Colonel Richardson High School

Ray Bennett- Colonel Richardson High School

Carroll County

Shawn Hampt- Manchester Valley High School

Cecil County

Charles County

John Childers- La Plata High School

Dorchester County

Dave Morrissette- North Dorchester

Bill Jackson- North Dorchester

Dan Hortert- North Dorchester

Joey Warfield- North Dorchester

Frederick County

Mike Frownfelter- Urbana High School

Jeremy Long- Urbana High School

Josh Clegg- Urbana High School

Greg Blake- Urbana High School

Andy Baker- Middletown High School

Ken MacIvor- Catoctin High School

Matthew Myers- Thomas Johnson

Zach Bridwell- Thomas Johnson

Chris Williams- Oakdale

Garrett County

Phil Carr-Northern Garrett High School

Jim Bosley- Southern Garrett

Harford County

Darrion Siler- The John Carroll School

Bill Goudy- John Carroll

Dan Leon- John Carroll

Chris Roberts- John Carroll

Tim Burton- John Carroll

Will Weiman- John Carroll

Alex Peters- John Carroll

Ben Pierce- John Carroll

Matthew Roseland- Patterson Mill

Howard County

Craig Estrin- River Hill

Chris Garber- Glenelg Country School

Mike Briel- Glenelg Country School

Keith Radcliffe- Glenelg Country School

Steve Tiffany- Glenelg Country School

AJ Rosenthal- Glenelg Country School

Austin Donmoyer- Glenelg Country School

Tom Thrasher- Glenelg Country School

Scott Peddicord- Atholton

Denis Ahearn- Centennial 

Kent County

Montgomery County

Josh Creighton-Magruder High School

Dave Creighton- Magruder High School

Reid Foxwell- Clarksburg HS

Scott Davis- Poolesville HS

Jim Stone- Sherwood High School- JV

Corey Simko- Quince Orchard High School

Sean Davis- Sherwood High School

John Schmidt- Bethesda-Chevy Chase HS

Steve Sutherland- Walter Johnson

Mac Gill- Walter Johnson

Matt Miller- Walter Johnson

Tasso Vondas- Walter Johnson

Joe Cassidy- Whitman HS

Kevin McTighe- Wheaton HS

Prince George’s County

Zach Bridwell- Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Elliott Arrington- Fairmont Heights HS

Queen Anne’s County

Saint Mary’s County

Somerset County

Brian Laird- Washington

Joe McIntyre- Washington

Lee Tracy- Washington

Steve Daniels- Washington

Talbot County

Albert Pritchett- Easton High School

Joe Dugan- Easton High School

Phil Cronan- Easton High School

Wade Dressler- Easton High School

Jay Faulkner- Easton High School

Brian Femi- St. Michaels

Donnie Gowe- St. Michaels

Bill Burton- St. Michaels

Zach Wallace- St. Michaels

Eric Royer- St. Michaels

John Asbell- St. Michaels high school

Washington County

Jordan Tapley- St. Maria Goretti High School

Greg Eversole- St. Maria Goretti High School

Wicomico County

Derek Yobst- Mardela

Charlie Echard- Mardela

Drew Owens- Mardela

Ted Ramey- Mardela

Kyle Daubert- Parkside

Tyler Owens- Parkside

Trevor Owens- Parkside

Ron Smith- Parkside

Chris Bozman- Wicomico

Ben Davis- Wicomico

Chase Harding- Wicomico

Worcester County

Jon Redden- Pocomoke

Paul Becker- Pocomoke

Todd Lampman- Snow Hill

Brady Hare- Snow Hill

Kevin Bowen- Snow Hill

Jeff Mahoney- Snow Hill

Rich Ferro- Stephen Decatur

Mike Shockley- Stephen Decatur

Bryce Messick- Stephen Decatur


Adam Leader- Reservoir

Ryan Wolfsheimer- Gilman

Kyle Lynch- Southern AA

Sean Davis- Sherwood

Trey Cobb

Dave Johnson 

David Warrenfeltz

No Affiliation

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